Celebrating Our Democracy and National Unity Day in Zula on July 15!

Celebrating Our Democracy and National Unity Day in Zula on July 15!






Celebrating Our Democracy and National Unity Day in Zula on July 15!

To honor Democracy and National Unity Day on July 15, we have prepared special gifts and events for all Zula players!

Special Gift for Today:
Log into Zula today and receive a 1-day use of our domestic and national weapons! Equip yourself with these powerful tools and dominate the battlefield against your opponents.

Special Missions for July 15:
Take part in exclusive missions designed especially for this significant day. Complete the missions and earn unique weapon skins that showcase your skills and dedication. Don’t miss out on these limited-time rewards!

Special Buy 4, Get 1 Free Campaign for Today:
Only valid today, we have started a Buy 4, Get 1 Free campaign on case support and material packages! Don’t miss this opportunity to gather the best equipment.

Join the Celebrations:
Experience the spirit of national pride and unity by participating in our special events. We want to make this unforgettable day even more special for you.

Log in now and celebrate Democracy and National Unity Day with us in Zula. Equip your favorite domestic and national weapons, complete the special missions, and earn exclusive rewards!